About the nursery
Our aim at Supertots is to provide a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for children aged 3 months to 5 years. Whilst in our care children are to participate in a wide variety of play experiences which enables them to develop skills needed to become more independent with a positive self-image and understanding of their fellow beings, regardless of colour, creed, religion or gender.
Practitioners are skilled in building relationships with children in their key families and forming a strong bond to track accurately their children’s needs and development to plan accordingly. From forming a strong bond with children staff are vigilant in recognising any changes or concerns.
We endeavour to provide an environment rich in opportunities for children to develop the skills that they will need to thrive and become school ready through the seven areas of learning. The overall environment is constantly changing and adapting in response to children’s needs and interests. The main outdoor environment is accessible to all ages between 9.30am and 4.45pm. Some gated and locked areas are always available with a specific area for babies and toddlers. The indoor environment is neutrally coloured throughout and boards and displays celebrate children’s work.
Our manager is super numerate to allow for flexibility throughout the day and to support new staff and students into the setting and follow out any appropriate training. The deployment of staff is flexible enough to respond to the flow and movement of children indoors and outdoors. Each room is fully equipped with a trained, qualified, and experienced team leader to support staff in the leading of organisation within the room. Team leaders work closely with management to support staff and students within the room and follow out termly supervisions and observations to highlight actions, professional development or support needed to be put in place to improve the quality of teaching to help raise standards.
Partnership with parents
As a setting we actively encourage parents and carers to be involved in a variety of different ways for example parents' evening/workshop, parents coming in to share occupations and hobbies. All about me meetings are set up to discuss the needs of each child prior to admission at these meetings parents will complete a baseline assessment on the Interactive Learning Diary of their child’s learning and development to help support staff in planning. The needs of both the children and the families are reflected in admission arrangements. All parents and carers receive copies of relevant admission procedures. Each term All about me and star activity sheets are provided to retain and update key information regarding the child’s home life and interests. All practitioners ensure that arrivals and departures are warm, relaxed, and personal. Home languages where appropriate are used to greet children and parents.
Parents are encouraged to be involved in all areas of children’s learning. As a setting we have high expectations of developing strong relationships with parents to engage in home learning. As a result we carry out two parent’s evenings a year for all children to allow parents to discuss with their child’s key worker their current development level, next steps and ideas of how they are able to support this at home. We also offer parents a ‘What to expect when?’ guide to give them support on what they should be expecting from their child. At parents evening management are available to offer any advice or follow up any concern's parents may have. We also have a parent’s workshop for Pre-school to advise and support parents on how they can support their child for school readiness. Home tasks are set throughout the nursery for all children to encourage parents to be involved in our current topics of interests.
Teaching and learning
Planning is based around children’s interests and next steps and is carried out daily by all members of staff within the room. For all children practitioners have 4-6 weekly individual star sheets (medium term plans) where they can identify and plan around all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Characteristics of Effective Learning. Statements from these star sheets are then added to continuous provision planning and for Big Room and Pre-school they also have adult led planning. Practitioners are skilled in following a child’s interest and developing new ideas and activities from this to extend their knowledge even if it means diverting from activities already planned.
Throughout the day, members of staff capture children’s achievements via the Blossom app. These are then linked with the child’s personal development outcomes. This enables staff to regularly access children’s learning records to monitor progress and development. Once all evidence is collated, staff can clearly identify next steps and outcomes and plan effective and stimulating activities to meet the child’s individual needs.
Blossom Educational Parent App
We use the Blossom Educational parent app to assist us with the recording and planning of your child’s educational development.
Apart from assisting our staff to accurately monitor your child’s learning and progress. this allows staff to spend less time completing paperwork , so they can spend more time with your child.
With your secure access to the Blossom Parent App, you can not only observe your child’s learning diary you too can send in observations of your child’s activities from home. Sports, hobbies and family excursions can all create exciting new learning experience for children and can greatly assist in their educational development and we can build on this in nursery. We can also share diary timelines of your child's day at nursery. As parents, you can update your own profiles and your child's information, including details such as their likes an dislikes, so we can be kept updated on how your child is doing at home.
You can also view your invoices and payment receipts, this helps it easier to keep track of your finances.